Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ever notice how COMFORTABLE we are on this subject?

Victims: Some of us are very comfortable being victims. We are very accustomed to blaming others or circumstances, deflecting responsibility, wallowing in our 'feel-sorries'. It seems so easy at times to be self-pitying and sad - takes the weight of responsibility for our joy off of our own shoulders.

"You don't understand what I'm going through."
"Just wait till you face what I'm facing."

Victims: Others of us are very comfortable placing others in this category.

"Bless their hearts."
"If it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all."

It doesn't matter how much others strive for victory, we strive (even UNintentionally) to keep them in their 'victim-hood' for whatever reason. Maybe we desire to rescue them. Maybe they draw us in with their victim mentalities. Or maybe we're jealous of their victory. And it's easier to push them back into their victim-ness in order to make us feel comfortable.

It's all about our comfort zone.

Ever notice people's reaction when someone faces a trial or a tragedy with grace and faith and peace? We praise them. We sit in awe of them. We applaud their faith.


We are surprised by it. In awe of it. Because it is not 'natural.' We look at others facing difficult times with trust in their Father as if they are aliens.

Which, in all actuality, they are.

I was recently told by a close friend who is facing similar challenges to mine, "You are so positive that I just want to choke you." (In Christian love of course).

And, sure enough, there was someone following close behind at the ready to point out all the times when I am not positive.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2

This life: NOT. ABOUT. ME. It's not about you either.

So, I strive to let go. Move forward. Forge ahead.

And there are those cheering me on. And those so undeniably uncomfortable with that.

I am moving from Survivor to Victor. I am not be there yet. But, I am steadily and unwaveringly on my way.

I urge you to do the same.

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