Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Eve Morn

I am not an Elf on the Shelf mom.

As a matter of fact, if I were, this would be an example of the result:

My home is not a "Hallmark Christmas Movie" kind of home during the holidays. And I am not one to try to portray that to the outside world while either killing myself to make it happen or being a monster mom to my children and a "Hallmark Mom" to the world.

The truth is that at the present moment, my kitchen looks like a tornado hit it. Off and on baking for several days intermixed with actually preparing meals for my children has turned it into a disaster area.

My bedroom is the dumping ground. Mounds of laundry that I have not made the time to fold because I have been working, shopping, baking, wrapping, all in preparation for the big day.

Finishing touches are not completed.

I'm pretty sure I could prepare our dinner from the crumbs presently on the living room floor.

My pantry shelves are filled with half-empty, turned over, knocked down items from the grabbing, pouring, measuring and then laziness on my part to put things back in an orderly fashion.

And I sit here, Christmas Eve morning, coffee in hand and think:
'Yep. That's about right.'

I am not a Hallmark Mom. I don't live a Christmas Movie life. Things are beyond picture perfect. And that's really ok.

At the end of the day - not just Christmas Day but every day - my family has been provided for, protected, nurtured, and loved.

I sit here in a house that at this time last year I knew I would lose but I haven't.
I have a new (to us) mini van.
I've managed not to kill the dog.
We have a new kitty in the family.
My children are healthy and happy.
They have precious friends.
They have a large, loving extended family.
I have wonderful friends, some new and some not,
and they all fill much needed and very different roles in my life.
I have plenty of food in my house and my belly.
(Did I say plenty? Correction: OVER abundance)
I am warm.
I am clothed.
I am loved.

No, it's not picture perfect. As I sit here wearing mismatched pajamas with a hole in the leg.

But, it's the life with which God has blessed me.

And He has blessed me amazingly.

At the present moment, I am receiving my morning kiss from the Great Love in the form of a painted sky to the south.

So, Merry Christmas.
And God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a picture perfect life to me! I don't want the Hallmark movie life. It's too hard to keep up appearances and it's not real life! I want a life of happiness, laughter, tears through the good and bad times and the opportunity to make new memories and relive the old ones! I think your life sounds perfect my friend! :)
