Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mouth Purging

Me and my big fat mouth.

Sometimes something weighs on me.

It's that Someone.
Telling me that the status quo needs to be shaken up.

This time it is my mouth.

I know that it is the Spirit because He won't hush.
He repeats.
And again.

Until I know that if I do not listen and surrender,
That reminding will become

I have printed on the back door:

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." ~Ephesians 4:29

To remind my children to speak positively and encouragingly to one another.

Obviously, I've needed to read it a little more myself.

Confession Time:

  • My children have called me out on the moments when I lose my temper and my mouth spews the world into our home.
  • I've had my attention drawn to the tearing down words I've uttered in frustration.
  • I've become aware of the mindless gossip I allow to infiltrate my mind.
  • And of the enormous nothing I've done to stop it.
My mouth has become a breeding ground of yuck.
Mostly out of frustration.


I am offended and disgusted when someone speaks unhealthy, venomous or even profane words in front of my children.
I am here to confess that I have done that very thing.
And it's time for a change.

As I continue to purge and clean out and renew my physical surroundings, storing up treasure in my eternal home, it's time for some mouth purging.

Friends, hold me accountable.

I want to be a voice.

A clear, melodious, voice of truth.

Not venom.

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