Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I have no astounding revelation.
No amazing insight never before seen heard or shared.
What I've meditated on this morning is not earth shattering.

But, for me, it is powerful.
Once more.

Psalm 6: 7 states "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God."

If we were to rewrite these words today, they would probably sound like this:

"Some trust in bank accounts and some in doctors, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."

Been there?

We are not promised tomorrow.
There is a reason God told us not to worry about it.
He's already got tomorrow all worked out.
All we have is today.
This moment.

Christ told us, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

The disciples even had to learn that their hope could not be in the seen.
For He Himself was about to leave them.

He was telling them He was leaving them.
But leaving His peace with them.

How often do we put our hope and our trust in the seen things of the world?
Bank accounts.
Modern medicine.
All of which could be gone.
In an instant.

Have you lost your peace?
Have you lost hold of the abundant joy God has poured out on you?

Christ left the earth.
He left His peace behind.
For the disciples.
For US.

For the taking.

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