Friday, February 11, 2011

On a Lighter Note...

Ever just stop and think for a moment, "We take this life too seriously" ?

I don't mean that we should just fly flippantly through our time here with no purpose; meandering down the road of life with no direction, discipline or divine connection. However, do we maybe get a little too bogged down with our day-to-day goings on to stop and see how amazing - and funny - God can be?

I mean, c'mon. It takes a God with a sense of humor to choose a one hundred year old man to be the father of Israel.

It takes a God with a sense of humor to tell that same man to name his son "Isaac" (meaning 'laughter').

It takes a God with a sense of humor to command Israel to march around the city of Jericho seven times and then stop and blow trumpets.

It takes a God with a sense of humor to motivate us to yank the 2x4 out of our own eyes before we reach out our dirty fingers to help our friend with the speck of dust in theirs. (I can just hear the giggle in Christ's voice as He said that).

It takes a God with a sense of humor to feed thousands of people with a few sardines and rolls. (I still wonder what they did with all those leftovers).

I can just imagine Him totally cracking up at Himself with the creation of the baboon and the platypus.

I am not meaning "sense of humor" as in 'tell-a-joke funny.' I just think that sometimes we get a little too serious. Of course, God can step back and see the big picture. He did, after all, CREATE the big picture. And scripture and life are both laced with these little reminders here and there that God DOES have is ok to laugh and relax once in a while.

Presently, I am working two jobs and trying to sell a house that is in its second round of foreclosure (and by the way, the second time around is not nearly as stressful as the first). There are many days, actually most days, where I am so over burdened and I struggle with the feeling that my children are getting my leftovers. And I struggle and worry and cry and feel the stinging arrow of guilt.

It's often in those moments, when I go to God with my heart so weighted down trying to express to my Creator and Great Love what He already knows, I will get tongue-tied. And it's just plain-out funny.

Recently, in my attempt to say to Him, "I'm confident of..." my words came out, "incontinent."

Now, tell me He didn't find that funny!

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