Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I began my morning chat, coffee in hand, but my eyes continued to drift to the front door.

It's 37 degrees out.

It's so warm here inside, wrapped up in my snuggie (yes, I have a snuggie).

But...still...the front door...

I couldn't stand it any longer. My porch was calling to me.

Out I walked, wrapped in my snuggie, coffee in hand, to simply soak up, even for a moment, some time with Him on my porch. Stepping out onto the cold concrete, I was thankful for my slippers. As I shut the door behind me, all the sounds of "my life" drifted away and I could listen to creation. I gazed up to see one lone star standing out amidst the overcast sky - the sunrise not yet on the horizon.

And in one instant - in one quick moment - all of the memories of the last two years flooded my mind. All of the chats. All of the tears. All of the painful realizations that come along with light shining into dark recesses. But also... All of the love. All of the moments when I was held. All of the guidance from His Spirit. All of the memories He and I have shared on that place came back to me in an overwhelming rush of emotion. Emotion that I was not expecting (or I would have had the tissues at the ready). Emotion I could not hold back. Emotion from my heart quite different than when I first began my mornings here. Emotion overcome by gratitude. Overcome by Love. Overcome by trust. Overcome... Overcome... Overcome...

Have I mentioned how much I love my porch?

1 comment:

  1. thank you for sharing so I too, could be overcome.
