Monday, February 28, 2011

My Mirror

Ugh. Early morning. Stumble out of bed and into the unwelcome light of the bathroom. Sluggishly brush teeth, rinse, spit. Then gaze, half asleep, into the lethargic reflection staring back at me. What do I see... hmm... Honest?

Dark circles, messy hair, ever deepening lines showing my age.

Look deeper.

Wow. Thought it was unpretty before.

I see a tired, frustrated, angry, self-pitying, excuse-making single mother of two looking back at me. And it is not a pretty picture. In that one glimpse, I see the remnants of a week's worth of temper tantrums, ugly-thought mutterings, complaints, and self-involved pity parties. Even through the welled up eyes I see them. And my Accuser stands to my side whispering his fuel to my fire, "You've done it now. You can never get those moments back. You've failed once again. You keep this up - and you will - and you are destined for a life of solitude. Give. Up."


Do you know what my Creator sees?

My Creator sees my Savior. My Creator sees His Child.

My Creator sees a dusty tear-stained face saying whispering Love without words.

My Creator says:
"You are fearfully and wonderfully made," Ps. 139:14
"I am forming you into the likeness of my Son, " Philippians 3
"You are MORE than a conqueror, " Rom. 8:37
"You are My child," Rom. 8:15
"You are forgiven, " Col. 1:13-14
"You are brand new, " 2 Cor. 5:17
"There IS such a thing as a fresh start," Lam. 3:22-23

In the midst of my tears and tantrums and troubles, He whispers His words of comfort; His answers to my questions; His reminders that He really does see me (Gen. 16:13) and He really does 'have it' (Ex. 14:14).


It's good to be the favorite. ;)


  1. Wow such a wonder how a different perspective can bring everything into view. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  2. His favorite you are..dark circles, messed up hair ...but the most beautiful heart but more importantly the imperfect soul that he had made his "favorite" soul to perfect and help teach those of us that need you to teach us how to be his favorite! I love you!

  3. I so needed this mama. Just what I needed to hear TODAY! You rock.
    Love you!!
