Friday, April 13, 2012

God's Favorite

There are two schools of thought on this one.

First: There is the...

"Beautiful day,
Someone bought me my favorite morning beverage,
My boyfriend brought me flowers,
Work is smooth,
I found an item on sale,
All is right with my world,
Therefore, today, I'm the Favorite"

kind of thinking.

Next, there is an almost opposite viewpoint.

This is the...

"My world is crumbling around me,
How can I pay the electric bill this month,
My friends have abandoned me,
This is day 18 in a row of crises,
I am facing tragedy,
I am definitely God's Favorite right now"

line of thinking.
(and it's not sarcasm).

I am in the Second line of thinking.
I am in the minority on this one.
I know this.
I own my weirdness.

*whispers, 'I actually like my weirdness on this one.'*

Honestly, and please don't take offense, the first line of thinking annoys me.

If you are completely confused, look back and reminisce with me on my definition of being

It is the point at which I am broken.
The point at which "I" must be crucified.
Laid upon the altar.
The point at which all I have left is Him.
At which I am truly dependent.
And drawn nearer.

He breaks me for one purpose.
He allows my world to be shattered for one reason.
He stretches me out of my comfortable, smooth, 'all is going my way' world....

Because. He. Adores. Me.

And longs for me to desire Him as much as He desires me.

Are you hurting?
Are you lost?
Are you questioning?
Are you afraid?
Are you at the end of your rope with nothing left to hold on to?

Then you, my friend, are The Favorite.


I so long for you to see that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this! I needed this reminder today more than you know!
