Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Where has it gone?

Yes, I've been away for a bit.
Not intentionally.

A couple of weeks ago my family went on an electronics fast.
It began as some discipline for the child who uses it the most. But, as I began to think through my reasonings for withholding that privilege, I began to see the need for a 'time out' for myself as well. So, for a week, all three of us went on a no TV, no computer (except for work and school), no DS, no Wii, no electronics break.

It was so refreshing.

And renewing.

And enlightening.

We found ourselves doing other things, just as I knew we would.

And I spent many hours contemplating...


This is not a new concept. The idea of 'not enough hours in the day' and 'wasting time.'

Others are on this journey as well. I hear of friends who really evaluate the time 'wasted' on Facebook, Pinterest, surfing the web or browsing online. That has been a weakness of mine. And I've taken breaks before, simply to dive right back in when the allotted time has past.

Except for this time.

This time was different.
This 'Time' was different.

I am not sure why. All I do know is that some things are starting to finally, deeply, sink in.

My kids and I don't watch television enough to justify what I was paying per month on cable. And when we did watch, it was often the same episodes over and over because, let's face it, there is precious little on television these days that I find acceptable for my children to view. And I don't like to watch a lot of television, but I had to sit with them in order to supervise adequately my oldest child's 'channel surfing.'
So, away it went. Last week in fact. No TV. At all.
And, honestly, I do not miss it.
My house is quieter.
I am more productive.
My kids are more active.
And less angry.
Less irritable.
Less annoyed with the world.
Unrelated? Maybe.
But, I'll take it.

I am on a journey. Most of you have gathered quite a while ago.
Part of this journey is my transformation to be different from this world.
For my family, this is a step in the 'radical' direction.
Maybe you're already there. Maybe not.
Either way, this is where I am in my walk.

First things first.

This is only the beginning.

I am on a journey to simplify my life.
Partly for my sanity.
Partly because...


Why keep all this 'stuff'?
Why hoard things I MIGHT use 'someday'?
Why pile stacks upon stacks upon stacks of 'stuff' away in a corner?

The truth is: I am told that this world is NOT my home.
I am simply preparing. Learning. Growing. Maturing.
Storing away treasures in my Eternal Home.

*deep sigh*
*longing for the face-to-face*

So, it begins here:
Re-evaluation of my time.
My space.
My use of the 'time' I have been given.

I am tired of doing nothing but merely dashing from one place to the next only to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.

Wake up call this week: Dashing from work to grab the broken-armed child to rush him to the orthopedist's office, I was stopped by a precious sister who simply asked me one thing:
"When you have a minute, I just need to have a good cry."

Opened Eyes.
Screeching Halt.

This sister has been faced with pain that no one on earth should have to bear: the possibility of losing a precious child in her life.

You know what? I found that minute.
And I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

Next on the agenda...


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