Monday, August 13, 2012

Keep Walking

Each day took courage.
Just to leave the house.
There was no hiding behind bolted doors.
There was no avoidance of the daylight.
There was work to be done.
Clothes to wash.
Dishes to rinse.
A family to feed.
No electricity.
No running water.
She had no choice in the matter.
At all.

For years...
Walking through town.
Whispers behind her.
Glares from passers-by.
She planned her journey to avoid as much as possible.
But there is no avoiding...

So much time has passed.
Won't they some day forget?
Won't they ever let it go?

Perhaps not.

Her past haunts her.
It torments her.
It runs in front of her day by day.
Tossed in her face.
Hurled as a weapon by those who don't understand.

Her past.
Just that.

Because one day,
Long ago,
Stood someone who knew her.
Who saw her.
Those eyes.
She will never forget how they peered into her very soul.
And revealed 
Yet, she couldn't look away
From those eyes.
From that truth.
Because with those eyes came
And Hope.

Don't they know?
Haven't they heard?
What He did?
What He said?
How that moment had changed her?

It didn't matter if they knew or if they didn't.
Because in that moment,
In that encounter,
Her life was changed
In an instant.
(John 4)

One moment with those Eyes
That peer into your soul
Is all it takes
To Transform.

What is holding you back?
Who is using your past as a weapon against you?
Who is held captive by their past and therefore determined to chain you with them?

Remember your moment
With those Eyes
Filled with Compassion
And Truth.

Live in your Transformation.


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