Tuesday, August 9, 2011

For the Broken

Are you angry?

Are you hurting?

Is your life in chaos?

Sitting on my porch this morning, I was struggling to name more than one or two people I know who would not answer this question with a resounding "Yes".

It's sad. And scary. As someone who can answer all three questions in the affirmative, I desire to lean on a shoulder who can help hold me up right now. There are days, more often than not lately, when I must dig down deep to gather up the strength to stand each day. It sure would be nice to be able to lean a little; knowing there is a strength outside of myself to help hold me up.

Yet, here is the problem: again, most people answer those questions in the affirmative. So, what happens when one of us in that category leans over - on another in that same boat? Our human hope is that we can lean on and sustain each other. But, more often than not, our leaning in on each other simply pushes each other down further.

The truth of the matter is that there is only One who can sustain. Only One with the strength to stand strong and firm when I lean in. For, that One is not expecting my shoulder in return. That One is simply standing there waiting for me to lean in for one reason and one reason alone: He loves me.

I hate being the needy one. I am much more content being the one helping others in need. Yet, life happens and there are times when I really have nothing left to give. And when someone, struggling as I am, leans on me when I barely have the strength to stand myself, I fall and that one falls with me.

There is One Healer. There is One Strength. There is only One with the answers and the peace and the provision that I desperately seek. So, Lord, I will lean in on you. And You will hold me up.

"Come near to God and He will come near to you."
James 4:8

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