Monday, June 4, 2012


Sometimes the inside of my heart, or head, looks like the home of a hoarder.

You've seen them.
Whether in your all-too-real experience or on television.
Piles of unused items.
Or used ones.
And garbage.
In homes uninhabitable.

As I purge my home
My body
My spirit...

I've scrutinized
and explored

I've seen some things I've held on to.
Things I've not quite been comfortable enough to release.
Too many memories.
Good or bad.
Dark recesses I've not quite been ready to air out.

But that begs the question:

My friends, it is time to let go.
Of pain.
Of anger.
Of bitterness.
Of grudges.
Of heartache.
Of it all.

"If only it were that easy!"

Friends, we're the ones who make it difficult.

Because, as is the source of all that is ill in the world,
When I cannot let go
My focus is on 

Take the first step
And choose

"If anyone has the right to be angry, it is not you.
It is not me.
It is God.  
For centuries of defiance, rejection, and selfishness.
Yet, His anger has been reconciled through the gift of His son."

I have no right to be angry.
Or resentful.
Or bitter.

I have no right to hoard.

Unbolt the doors.
Open the windows.
Rid the recesses of their stale air and 
Breathe in the freshness of Life.

It's ok.
It really is.

God gives you permission.

Let it go.

1 comment:

  1. I love and needed this. So wonderfully written and easily understood. I love you.
