Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Thank You

I have this certain friend.

One of those behind the scenes, never makes a fuss, out of the limelight friends.

And one of those always-got-your-back friends.

I've been a single mom for longer than some of you may realize. And along with single parenthood, for me, came significant more responsibility. I am now completely responsible not only for all housework but now lawn care, home maintenance, and all finances. I've had to learn a lot and work a lot and I am grateful for the energy and ability to do what I have done.

But, there are often long, hard days filled with leaky pipes, broken lawn mowers, peeling paint, broken doors...all after working my two jobs to make ends meet.

And, at the end of those long, hard days, the easy route to take is the one of self pity and the feel-sorries.

But ...

I have this one particular friend, as I mentioned earlier.

This friend, of his own accord, has gone out of his way to help me.

He has lined up workers to fix my porch, cut down and haul off the fallen tree in my yard, repair the water damage to my ceiling, and mow my lawn. All at his own expense because he knows I cannot afford to pay for these things. He has bought me a lawn mower. And has been one of my protectors.

He's encouraged me to write. And constantly asks me what needs to be done.

And I could never thank him enough.

Because, you see, he is one of those friends who has gone beyond the hug and the prayer (both of which I am always thankful for) to the realm of practicality.

I cannot fix my ceiling. I cannot chop up a tree. And I've not yet been able to afford to pay someone to. And he looks at me and sees beyond the surface to the real, day-to-day needs that someone in my position has.

He has never asked for a thank you. He is actually one of those people that I could forget to thank and he would never mention it. He simply does for others out of the servant heart God has given him. He neither asks nor expects anything in return. In fact, he has only asked me one thing in return: Keep Blogging.

I am humbled. And I am grateful beyond words. And this required more than the "thank you" that I extend with humble heart when I see him at church. This required more than even the Thank You note that I could scribe.

My gratitude overwhelms my heart.

Thank you, my friend.

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